Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Website

The past day or so I've been thinking about moving my photo sites around a bit. I have two objectives. First, I'm looking for a powerful, marketing focused portfolio web site. And it must be relatively easy to maintain. At the moment, I'm considering the entry level option from

Second, I'd like to gear up a photo blog within that website. This blog would be targeted to my photo business - discuss shoots, techniques, equipment etc. Blogger is quite good, but I'm looking for something with a little more flexibility. Wordpress may be the ticket, but doesn't come without a learning curve.

Ideally, these two sites shall be one, all under a single domain, with a seamless appearance. Wordpress, while powerful as a blogging platform, can handle some image management. But as I'm finding, a computer science degree would be helpful to follow all the lingo and code.

Here are a few samples. Note the jump (or lack of a noticeable jump) between blog and portfolio.

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