Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fay Finally Fades

Thursday night and Fright was by far the worst part of the storm for us. The wind was howling overnight and the lights went out a few times. But we escaped unharmed and dry. The biggest problem was that the cable was out all day on Friday. So I had nothing better to do but clean the house.

Apparently Fay set a few records. I heard it was the first storm to strike the coast in 4 places. The forecasters admitted it was difficult to predict. With the storm moving only a few miles per hour, the directional forecasts seemed accurate within about 45 degrees.

The funny thing about having 2 days off was that I got nothing accomplished. After talking to some coworkers today, I realized I wasn't alone. We all loafed around and watched the winds blow. Then it sounded like cabin fever struck us hard yesterday. I went to the beach for some photos. Even after another baby shower today, I'm still restless.

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