Friday, May 23, 2008

Back On Line

A half a dozen calls to Comcast, two technician visits, various router configurations, and three cable modems later, we appear to finally be back on line. After moving the network setup to another room in the house, the whole thing fell apart. Well, the network was fine, it was the internet connection that was the problem. I would've rather had no connection at all. But instead the connection was very intermittent. A few web pages would load, and then things slowed to a crawl. Ugh..

So finally after fixing the wiring and replacing the cable modem, the connection seemed stable, and we let the Comcast guy go home at 8pm last night.

I even made an appointment at the Genius Bar. The odds of the Apple components causing the problems seemed slim, but I figured I check just to be sure. Oddly, in the few minutes I was there explaining the problem, two customers chimed in with sound suggestions. And I thought I was a geek.

Anyway, things seem to be ok for now.

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