Who knows what tomorrow will bring in the financial markets. Reading the
quarterly mutual fund section of the Times today seemed so out dated. Last week alone, the major indices were down about 18%. And we're down 40% for the year. In any other situation, an 18% decline is a bad year.
I was skimming a few stocks that might be worth picking up now, like GE. The Oracle of Omaha thinks GE is a good deal. But then again, with the whole market down so severely, I figure there's nothing wrong with simply continuing my buy and hold long term strategy with broad based index funds. As a friend says, "Scott, we're net buyers."
Long term, assuming you believe in the Capitalism (with an occasional bail out), stocks have been the best vehicle to beat inflation over the long term. Otherwise, look for for a big mattress.
I've added a couple more blog links in the right column. NPR and PRI is putting out some awfully good programming!